Profile: Ronald (35) (entrepreneur), Shanti (34) (entrepreneur) Zoë (7) and Lev (4)
Originally from: Netherlands
Arrived in Bali: 28th of October 2021

What made you decide to MOVE TO Bali?
It has always been our dream to stay abroad for a longer period, straightaway we knew that Bali would become the place that we wanted to live on. Together with our kids we went twice to Bali and they also loved the island. Besides that I also import handmade homestock items from Bali, which I sell in the Netherlands through my webshop, and this was also a reason for going to Bali. We would love to see how it is to actually live and work on Bali and that is the reason why we embarked on this adventurous journey.

Where is home in Bali and why did you decide to live there?
We currently live in Canggu; we went here on holiday in 2018 and in 2019 and it feels like coming home again. We reside close to the beach, which we enjoy very much. Besides that there are some really nice food stalls and small restaurants in Canggu, and on top of that the international school that our children attend, is in Canggu.

HOw long do you plan to stay in Bali?
We will stay in Bali till the end of April 2022. We also have a dog (a Japanese breed) at home and we would dearly miss her if we would stay away for a longer period. Fortunately, the dog stays with family. Also we don’t want to be removed from the population register back home in the Netherlands, which will unfortunately happen if you stay abroad for more than eight months.

Please tell us what living in Bali has been like during COVID19? What will the next twelve months look like; what has changed?
The population of Bali rely on tourism for their income, many shops and restaurants went bankrupt which caused many people to lose their jobs. This can be seen at many places on Bali such as Kuta and Seminyak that are almost deserted. Canggu is still very vibrant, all the shops and restaurants are open and most expats therefore stay in Canggu.
To enter Bali one has to be vaccinated (not mandatory for children) and also to be quarantined in Jakarta, besides being tested negative three times in a row. Currently it is only possible to enter Bali on a Business visa. I expect that it will be possible to enter Bali on a tourist visa from February next year.
Many people in Canggu are already preparing for that: new restaurans, lodgings and hotels are being built and I expect many tourists to come to Bali once it re-opens, Canggu will become crowded again.

You are an entrepeneur who has some wonderful interiors and travel businesses – please tell us more about Casa Krullenbol?
I started placing interior photos on my Instagram account Casa Krullenbol as a hobby some two-and-a-half years ago. This account was growing quickly and soon I started collaborating with companies that were paying me for creating content. Soon I registered at the Dutch Chamber of Commerce. My Instagram account also grew and with that potential clients; therefore I felt encouraged to start a webshop of my own. Having my own webshop has always been a dream of mine so, during our first holiday on Bali in 2019, I went looking for a supplier and bought my first homestock items and imported them to the Netherlands. The items were sold out in no time, which caused me to import homestock items for a third time a couple of months ago. I am currently purchasing new items in Bali for a fourth shipment, and I really enjoy doing this. In the meantime the webshop is still running, and my team in the Netherlands is packing and sending the items.

What school does your son and daughter attend and why did you choose that particular school?
Our children attend The Bamboo Garden Learning Centre in Canggu, which is a relatively new international school. From a friend of ours we heard that this is a nice school and that the costs are not that high compared to other international schools on Bali. Costs can be as high as 10,000 euros per child annually. Besides that the groups at The Bamboo School are small (8 children per class), which we like very much for our children.

What is it like to raise children in Bali?
We have been here now for three weeks, which is a bit short to draw conclusions. Up till now we have enjoyed it very much to be here with our kids! They like living outdoors, and the beautiful weather. Upon coming home from school they dive in the swimming pool or play with friends. Canggu is not really large, so everybody lives close to one-another, which makes it very easy for the children to have ‘playdates’. We also have a nanny who comes every afternoon to do fun things with the children. Life here on Bali is relatively cheap, back home in the Netherlands we wouldn’t have been able to afford a nanny. We don’t even cook here, because eating out is cheaper than doing groceries. And included in the rent of our villa is a cleaner who cleans the villa six times a week. My husband and I have much more time on our hands for ourselves, so that we are far more often together and can do fun things, something the children appreciate very much.

Is there any advice that you have for other families that contemplate moving to Bali?
1. Make sure that you have a few contacts in Bali before you move, so that you have people that can help you find a school for the kids, finding a nice holiday residence etc. Through instagram I already came to know a number of people on Bali that helped me with my preparations.
That is where Simone from Our Year in Bali would be an amazing help!
2. Study the rules that now apply to entering Indonesia. A reliable visa agent that helped us obtaining a business visa, and that can also help you, is Indo Visas. They know all the current rules. You can also find necessary information on Facebook groups like Visa & Law and you can also ask your questions there.
3. Look for Facebook groups like Canggu Housing and Bali Villas if you are planning on renting a holiday residence. There are more villas on offer and cheaper than through Airbnb, because you can directly negotiate with the owner.
4. If you have young children, don’t forget to take a stock of diapers with you. Diapers are pretty expensive here on Bali, the locals don’t even use diapers for their own children, much of the poo is washed out to sea anyway.

Is there anything else you would like to share?
If you want to have more information on exemption of compulsory education in Holland, than I advise you to get in touch with Tessa from @travellingtheyoungones. She has helped us very much from the beginning. I also recorded a video in which I share how we finally received exemption from compulsory education. This video can be found on my Youtube channel Casakrullenbol. Do you still have questions for me? Feel free to post a DM on my Instagram @casakrullenbol.