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South African family world schooling and slow travel in Bali

Meet:  The Swart Family
Originally from: South Africa
Arrived in Bali: December 2020

What made you move to Bali?

As a young girl, I grew up coming to Bali. My mum had a business here and we would be here every year. I have a deep love for the Island, a respect for her people and wanted my children to experience the same cultural exchange that I did. At the beginning of the pandemic , I felt a deep calling to return to the island. We were searching for a slower pace and more holistic schooling and so we re-arranged our lives and made the big move!

Home in Bali and why did you decide to live there? 

Cemagi/Seseh Beach. As borders have re -opened and life on the island gets back to it’s usual buzz , we wanted to be in a quieter area. We love walking the streets of Cemagi, down to the beach, with little traffic. We love chatting to the local farmers in the rice fields and a quieter pace of life. . whilst still just being 15 minutes away from the buzz!


How long do you plan to stay? As long as it feels right! 

We are in a “worlschooling” stage of life with our family and plan to travel as much as possible while the kids are young but Bali will always seen as a home for us!



What does school life look like and life raising your kids?

We love the child-led schooling options available in Bali. Learning through nature, learning through interactive activities and allowing the curriculum to be adapted to the needs and interests of the child are so important to us. We see how hugely this approach benefits our eldest and the way he wakes with such excitement for school each day.


What is the expat community like – has it been hard making friends?

We feel so thankful to have an incredible expat community in Bali, it has been sooo easy to connect with people and have found soo many like minded souls that we consider ‘forever friends’. 



What are the biggest challenges you find living in Bali?

Initially getting around on the scooter with the kids felt like a bit of a challenge. Now we use our car for longer journeys and this has made life easier. We would love to speak more of the language , we think this would make life sooo much easier too!


How do you find healthcare? Do you feel safe?

Recently my daughter fractured her elbow, we received good care however we do sometimes feel slightly concerned about having any major medical issues in Bali.


What does your daily routine look like?

Both kids attend school during the day and after school we spend most afternoons on the beach for sunset. We work remotely but due to the time difference have been working late in the evenings . It has its pros and cons but the advantage is that most of my day is free.

How do you get around Bali? 


Scooter for local / nearby trips and we have a car as well for longer trips! 


What is the best thing about living in Bali?

The people! The weather! The magical energy on this island! How could I ever pick just one thing that I love about Bali!


What advice do you have for other families making the move to Bali?

A quote by Judith McNaught sums it up perfectly – “There will be a few times in your life when all your instincts will tell you to do something, something that defies logic, upsets your plans, and may seem crazy to others. When that happens, you do it. Listen to your instincts and ignore everything else. Ignore logic, ignore the odds, ignore the complications, and just go for it.” 




Ready to get started?

Book a free discovery call to learn more about how we can help you feel confident about a move to Bali.

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