ProEducation is a boutique, inclusive, International school that covers preschool, primary school through to high school. Today we interview the Director of the school who shares the history of the school, its philosophy, curriculum and lots more.
Profile: Llana Reece, Director of ProEducation Indonesia (photo with your two beautiful boys)
Originally from: Melbourne, Australia
Arrived in Bali: 2009
As the Director of ProEducation in the beautiful neighbourhood of the Umalas (10 mins to Canggu) please share the education the school offers.
ProEducation is a community school that is student centred. Our aim is to know each learner on an individual level and ensure that our students’ learning profile is considered in their education. We are a deliberately small school, a place that is inclusive of all learners. Our aim is to ensure students have high quality teachers and support services. We aim to provide our students a school with great facilities and opportunities. At ProEducation we deliver the International British Curriculum and are proud that our students are global citizens and complete their schooling with international qualifications. We are also proud that our students graduate and move on to tertiary education options internationally.
ProEducation has been a progressive school community for four years. In this time the school has developed into a sought after international school in Bali providing high standards. ProEducation also hosts other companies in education and has been operating intervention and tutoring services for 9 years. ProEducation is an innovative space, a community that listens to the needs of their students and families and provides a boutique education experience.

I believe you are the only school in Bali to have a counsellor on campus and offer the best specialist services to your students.
Our community has two resident Counsellors, one Speech and Language Therapist, two English as a Second Language Teachers and one Occupational Therapist. Our aim is to provide an early intervention model and support students in their education pathway. All our students access a range of these services across the school. Students may access individual services and or group services. We have individual and group services available for our students and students can access these services on a personalised basis. This is a fantastic benefit for ProEducation students and allows our students access to therapy in the midst of their school day. This therapeutic approach also develops a strong value system for the school promoting inclusion and awareness unlike other schools in Bali. At ProEducation we have a strong wellbeing focus and resource our school with two counsellors to make sure our school develops and supports our students. Wellbeing extends into the classrooms and ensures our pastoral care of each learner is plentiful. ProEducation is the only school in Bali to provide these extensive services. We are resource rich and provide a distinctive and nurturing learning environment.

Describe the school community and the international expat families that attend.
At ProEducation we have 42 nationalities in our school. We have a diverse multicultural community and are proud the school hosts students from all over the globe. Families who attend our school relocate from all corners of the earth.
The school community is a welcoming place. The school is re-constructed and designed from a large property, it has a familiar feel of a home for our students and is surrounded by lush gardens and play spaces.

ProEducation Bali is a school that covers preschool through to high school. What are the features of each stage?
Our Primary School classes range from Reception (age 4) to Year 6 (age 11). We have 9 Primary classes in total. Our school curriculum is named iPrimary, which is externally validated by Pearson Education. iPrimary is an international curriculum framework based on the UK National Curriculum and adapted for an international cohort. The curriculum is delivered through a combination of play, inquiry and project based learning. Children study a broad range of subjects to include; English, Bahasa Indonesian, Mathematics, Sciences, Art, Music and Movement, Computing, Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) Global Citizenship and P.E.

Our High School classes range from Year 7 (age 12) to Year 13 (age 18). We have 7 classes in total. The curriculum is a combination of the British International Curriculum, International General Certificate of Education (IGCSE’s) and Advanced Level (A Level).
From Year 7 to Year 9 students study a range of subjects of English, Bahasa Indonesian, Mathematics, Sciences, Art, Computing, Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE), Global Citizenship and P.E. In Year 10 and 11 students study a minimum of 5 IGCSE’s with core mandatory subjects of English, Mathematics and Sciences and optional subject choices of Business Studies, ICT and Global Citizenship. In Year 12 and 13 students select to study up to 3 A level subjects. Options include; English, Mathematics, Biology, Business Studies, ICT, French and Art.

Primary and High School occupy the same campus. Features include light, spacious classrooms, library and green outdoor areas. Each classroom is equipped with learning technology such as SMART T.V’s and laptop computers. The campus has a wide range of sporting facilities to include a swimming pool, natural grass pitch and a multipurpose indoor sports court.
As an inclusive international school we differentiate our curriculum and learning programmes based on the needs of individual children. In both Primary and High School we have specialist classes named Towards Independence for children with higher learning needs such as Dyslexia and Autism. We place a large focus on Student Wellbeing and Social and Emotional Learning, which is integrated into the taught curriculum, alongside tailored support for students with Special Educational Needs and English language development.
In addition to our taught curriculum we offer a wide ranging holistic programme of Extra Curricular Activities. Our programme is inclusive to all children and is categorised into four main areas; ‘Leadership’ ‘Creative’ ‘Active’ and ‘Academic’. The range of activities include; Student Council, Eco Warriors, Performance and Fine Art, Computer Coding, Yoga and Mindfulness, Journalism Club, French and a wide range of sporting activities such as F45, Australian Rules Football, Swimming and Basketball. Children also attend regular learning assemblies themed upon the world’s significant global concepts.

What tips and advice do you have for parents choosing a school in Bali?
When choosing a school for your child there are a range of factors when relocating to Bali. Some schools are internationally accredited with global curriculums and others are based on curriculums but do not offer the qualifications. It is important to ask yourself does this play importance to you. I would also consider the individual needs of your child. Learn about all the schools on the island and then decide which school fits with your personal values and interests. Some schools do not include extra curricular activities and some do. Some schools have larger holiday breaks as opposed to others. Considering the points above may assist you to choose the right school for your child and family.

Is there anything else you would like to share that I haven’t asked?
At ProEducation we work closely with families in providing a quality personal service. Our community is surrounded by lush gardens and fantastic outdoor spaces. We have a dedicated professional team who engage proactively with students. We provide students a strong pastoral care framework as well as providing strong curriculum standards. Students in our school receive a quality service and are guided through their learning with an inquiry based approach. ProEducation is an inclusive community and meets the individual needs of each child.
For more information about ProEducation visit
Proeducation Bali
Enrolments contact:
WhatsApp +62 878-7648-3120
To watch a great interview on YouTube with the Director of ProEducation called ‘Redefining Inclusive Education In Indonesia with
Robert Ian Bonnick – SpeakuP Monday| visit https://youtu.be/hfCej4T4Pe8