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Our commute to school

School starts at 8am in Seminyak so we leave our home in the Umalas/Kerobokan around 7:30am. These morning drives are so different from our commute back home so we thought we would share with you what we see.

This list has been compiled by Demi and Liam. Here goes:

  • Farmers in rice fields working
  • Boys on their bikes trying to fly a kite
  • Local vendors selling cakes and Nasi Campur
  • Traditional markets
  • Local schools and kids walking to school
  • Ceremonies taking place (could be a cremation one day and a wedding the next)
  • Motorbikes parked on the side of the road selling a Nasi Campur breakfast
  • Cows, ducks and roosters
  • Palm trees with coconuts
  • Offerings
  • People praying local schools
  • Temples
  • Traditional houses and their offerings
  • People dressed in traditional ceremony
  • Five people on a motor bike
  • Police controlling traffic
  • Bakso carts
  • Warungs
  • Statue and stone carving shops
  • Frangipani trees
  • Road side stalls
  • Go Jek drivers
  • Ladies balancing baskets of food on their head
  • Petrol station that is service only!!!
  • ‘Roti Goreng’ cart (donuts)
  • And of course hundreds of motorbikes!

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