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The last few days have been hectic packing up the entire house for storage, packing our suitcases for the year and saying our goodbyes to our house, neighbours, car, family and friends.

It has been wonderful seeing all the support and messages from everyone following this journey and we look forward to hearing from you as we continue our Bali adventure.

Yesterday we left a miserable rainy day in Sydney and arrived to a balmy 31c in Bali. I still can’t believe we are in Bali, so much planning and talking has gone into this and we feel like there is so much to learn, discover and do. It is overwhelming if you think about it all and so we are taking one day at a time and taking it slow. It is all too soon to comprehend and at the moment it feels like we are on holidays – like the holidays we had in Bali last year. I guess when the kids start school and we find our permanent home for the year then it will start to slowly sink in.

Last night we had a 5 minute walk from our villa to a great dinner place and already this was an interesting experience for the kids. As I held Demi’s hand we chatted and passed the following – a woman weaving a basket, a man buying petrol for his scooter, a field of cows which had rubbish and frangipani trees in it, and a rice paddy.

Our first breakfast was at the “Fat Turtle” and our table was under a sign that said it all!!! “Be brave, take risks, nothing can substitude experience”. After breakfast we went to one of the largest local supermarkets where some of the staff wear rollerblades. It was like five Coles supermarkets put together! The most important thing for the kids was getting a pool toy and it was fun looking at all the different products, seeing how much it costs in Indonesian rupiah and buying some local fruits like the rambutan.

We have started to make the temporary villa more of a home for the kids decorating their rooms. Yes Liam’s Swans poster is up already! It is so nice to have our own pool and swim all the time. Lunch was takeaway from a local Warung and tasting the first of many Nasi Goreng’s……

Ready to get started?

Book a free discovery call to learn more about how we can help you feel confident about a move to Bali.

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